What is the Current Value of a Gold Bar?
One common question asked by investors is “how much is a bar of gold worth today?” This is a trickier question to answer than it might initially sound, after all there is no single standard for the weight and size of a gold bar, and the gold bar price varies slightly from the live gold price. They vary in weight between the different bars that are produced, as well as by the country in which they are produced.
What you can always be assured of though is that the bars of gold you buy from an experience gold bullion dealer such as The Gold Bullion company will consist of the same pure gold held by institutional investors, just usually in smaller bars.
This means that the price quoted on the commodities exchange will closely match the price we use to buy and sell our gold products.
What are the main sizes of gold bars that are offered for sale?
The typical sizes of gold bars that are used for personal use come in a variety of metric and imperial sizes. Regardless of how you calculate the weight, the value of the gold within the bar remains the same.
Typical metric sizes are 1 gram, 50 grams, 100 grams, 500 grams and 1 kg bars. At current market rates (4th October 2024) these typically are worth:
Indicative Metric Gold Prices for Gold Bullion Bars
Unit size
1 kg
500 g
250 g
100 g
50 g
20 g
10 g
1 g
Other gold bullion sizes are measured by the ounce and the tola. Typical sizes for ounce bars include 10 ounce (worth approximately £19,900) 5 ounce, 1 ounce, ½ ounce sizes, ¼ ounce and 1/10th-ounce sizes.
Tola sizes are usually 5 tolas, 3 tolas, 2 tolas and 1 tola size. A tola weighs 11.664 grams.
Live prices for gold bullion
Gold bullion prices are guided by the gold price, but it is not a direct correlation. There are lots of costs involved in transporting gold and in manufacturing the gold from the raw material to the gold bars that are offered for sale. Whilst these costs are typically lower than in gold coins, for instance, there remains an element of additional manufacturing, transport and marketing costs that are factored into the final selling point and indeed the purchase price when someone is selling gold.
To find out the live market cost of gold we would recommend visiting our constantly updated live gold price page. Not only does this page give you an overview of line and intraday pricing, we are also able to show you the historic prices for gold going back to 1975.